Alec Chen 陳冠勳
MBTI® Practitioner/SPA™ Practitioner (Sales Performance Assessment)
- Team Building 團隊建設
- MBTI Personality Profiling 性格類型測評
- Sales Performance Assessment and Coaching 銷售績效管理
- Team Communication 團隊溝通技巧
Alec is a very experienced trainer who brings skills and experience from nearly 15 years as an HR professional with multinational companies (Prudential/Kraft/Air Liquide/Deloitte). He has expertise in leadership development, organizational development and soft skills development subjects with a range of global corporations in manufacturing, chemical & health care, professional services and insurance industries.
Alec is a passionate and energetic trainer, and skilled in using interactive techniques to enable participants to grasp concepts and apply key takeaways effectively on the job. He is a strong believer in interactive learning and uses learner's motivation and adult learning concepts to engage his participants in the class.
Alec has completed MBTI assessment and debriefing for over 4000 people over the years. With substantial MBTI knowledge and in-depth debriefing experiences, Alec always bring learners precise explanation, help them aware their strength and pitfalls and find the appropriate development. Not only a person but the whole team can learn from MBTI applications then make the win-win collaboration. Alec has a unique talent in helping leaders from all levels to use MBTI as a practical tool to help them enhance their effectiveness in building their teams, empowering their leadership impact and understanding how personalities impact team dynamics in a corporate setting.
Alec has a unique talent in helping leaders from all levels to use MBTI as a practical tool to help them enhance their effectiveness in building their teams, empowering their leadership impact and understanding how personalities impact team dynamics in a corporate setting.
At the same time, Alec is instrumental in training sales leaders in understanding their strengths and development areas in building sustainable relationship with clients and developing long-term business.
Some of the clients Alec has worked with include, HTC, PWC , SCSB Bank, Bole Associates Taiwan, Happy Hair Group, KPMG Consulting , PPG Group, Taikoo Motor, Suntory Taiwan, Docutek Solutions, Unicoell, Deloitte Taiwan, etc.
在成為MBTI在台獨家代理商的合作培訓師與銷售總監前,Alec 任職於財星500大跨國公司的人力資源經理/培訓經理包括Prudential Life plc, Kraft Foods, Air Liquide, 及Deloitte,負責制定公司年度培訓計劃、規劃所有領導力發展課程,工作技能和組織發展研討會、舉辦與講授普通員工、初級至高級管理人員的培訓。
過去曾講授的課程包含:領導力發展、企業文化和價值觀、職能體系發展(Competency-based Framework)、工業安全管理體系、績效管理、結構式面試技巧、團隊建設、演講簡報技巧...等工作坊及講師培訓(Train the Trainer)課程。課堂中,Alec是個充滿激情和活力的培訓師,堅信學習活動必須符合成人學習理論並滿足學習動機,透過熟稔的互動學習技術,創造輕鬆學習氛圍並使學員能快速掌握課程概念,在課後工作中得到有效應用。
值得一提的是,他在MBTI®心理測評具備淵博的知識與實務經驗,課程內容質量總能給予學員深刻體驗。曾受邀講授公司有 Deloitte、KPMG、HTC、太古汽車、Nestle、 Amazon、PPG集團、上海商業儲蓄銀行、台灣三得利、綠色和平組織、Bole Associates、翔宇生醫、達友科技、美科實業、蓓蕾莉生技...等。
他更是一位為公益貢獻不遺餘力的培訓師,是眾所周知的公眾演講者和推動者,曾為勞動力發展署、國立中央大學人資所、輔仁大學、台北商業大學、台灣職涯發展協會 、許多中小型民營企業、扶輪社和慈善機構...等進行公益性質演講,期待透過這些演講或培訓能讓更多人對於自己有更深入的理解與覺察,以創造更美好的未來與人生。
Alec曾是代理商MDS少數授權在台灣執行公開班、重要客戶企業培訓的講師,具有MBTI®第一和第二步的認證施測資格並擁有超過4,750人次專業反饋的經驗,也是台灣首位取得Sales Performance Assessment (SPA™)的施測與教學人員。
Alec 文章與視頻分享
慧談室 EP3 MBTI 測驗 Part 1.
- 甚麼是MBTI?
- MBTI對個人與企業有甚麼幫助?
- MBTI與其他測評的差別是甚麼?
慧談室 EP3 MBTI 測驗 Part 2.
- 企業為什麼採用MBTI?
- 關於MBTI客戶常問的幾個問題?
- MBTI要如何導入企業?
慧談室 EP3 MBTI 測驗 Part 3.
- MBTI在職涯與個人發展的應用?
- MBTI在生活上的應用?
慧談室 EP3 MBTI 測驗 Part 4.
- MBTI 在創新與變革管理的應用