Ray 吳子銳

諮商心理師 / 團體發展顧問


  • 敏感度訓練
  • 情緒與壓力管理
  • 團隊教練

Professional Background

Ray has extensive experience in group counseling and team development, specializing in enhancing team effectiveness and personal growth. Since 2016, he has participated in several internationally renowned group relations conferences, including the Tavistock conferences in Hong Kong and Beijing, where he served as a cultural interpreter. He has also frequently served as a consultant and administrative chair for group relations conferences in Taiwan. His professional work extends to Fuzhou, Xiamen, and numerous schools, where he serves as a group counseling skills training instructor and co-teaching facilitator.

Areas of Expertise

Ray has substantial practical experience in individual counseling and group facilitation. He has conducted over 500 individual counseling sessions, addressing a wide range of issues including interpersonal relationships, emotional problems, family dynamics, academic challenges, career planning, and life trauma. Additionally, he has led over 200 hours of self-growth groups, psychological support groups, and professional skills training groups, serving more than 1,300 participants. His psychological growth empowerment lectures have reached over 3,000 participants, covering topics such as career development, mental health, team leadership, and stress management.

Personal Mission and Service Philosophy

Ray believes that helping others is an inherent instinct deeply rooted in his nature. He is convinced that everyone experiences moments in life when they need to be heard and seen, and he strives to provide support during these crucial times. He is dedicated to offering professional and empathetic mental health and counseling services, focusing on emotional and stress management, self-exploration, and resolving interpersonal difficulties, helping clients find inner strength and balance.

Scope of Mental Health and Counseling Services

He provides one-on-one individual counseling and growth/healing group coaching, addressing issues such as common emotional and stress management, self-exploration, and interpersonal challenges.








  • 提供一對一之個別諮詢及成長性/療癒性團體教練。
  • 處理議題包括常見情緒與壓力管理、自我探索、人際困境等。

Ray 分享的文章與影片

這段影片由慧培國際的首席領導力講師Claudia和諮商心理師Ray共同主持,內容圍繞在企業環境中的壓力管理與調適。影片開始時,Claudia和Ray介紹了壓力在工作和生活中的重要性,並邀請觀眾通過幾張圖像來探索自己的壓力源。Ray進一步分享了幾個真實案例,說明壓力對心理和生理的影響,並討論了工作壓力、人際關係壓力以及被科技取代的壓力。 影片最後,Ray提供了幾個實用的紓壓技巧,包括深呼吸法、正念呼吸和通過感人的音樂或影片進行情緒宣洩。Claudia則鼓勵觀眾分享自己的紓壓技巧,並期待在下一集繼續探討更多有關壓力管理的話題。