Rene Wang 


Facilitator 引導師


  • Design Thinking 設計思考
  • Group Consensus Facilitation 團隊共識
  • Vision and Strategies Workshop 願景策略會議

Having passion for traveling and learning, with empathy and curiosity, that's Rene Wang, the youngest CPF in the world. Rene started to learn Facilitation when she was a student, and fall in love with the beauty of facilitation - team work, people oriented, and dialogue!

Rene began her career in ASUS and learned Design Thinking from d. school and CIID, which is a perfect harmony with facilitation because both Facilitation and Design Thinking are human-center approach to change. Rene has built her skills of facilitation and innovation since her days in ASUS.

In recent years, Rene is facilitating and designing workshop for different industries in Taiwan and China, such as finance sector (ICBI), high tech (Huawei), and electronic (ASML). She is also those companies' regular facilitator and trainer.

Rene is still evoking the creativity of the group by facilitation and innovation field and hopes to continue her belief of "Listen for understanding with deep sensitivity to allow, honor and encourage diverse others to patriciate".

Specialized Areas:

  • Design Thinking
  • Innovation Tools: Mindmap, Six Thinking Hats, Scamper, Business Model Canvas, Customer Journey Map, 653...
  • Future Thinking
  • Theory U
  • Non-Violent Communication

                                                                      世界上最年輕的CPF Rene熱愛旅行和學習,充滿同理心和好奇心。 她在學生時代就開始學習引導,並愛上了引導的美-團隊合作,以人為本和對話!





  • 設計思考
  • 創新工具:思維導圖,六頂思考帽,Scamper,業務模型畫布,客戶旅程圖,653 ...
  • 未來思考
  • U理論
  • 非暴力溝通