Ken Tsai蔡坤成
引導師 / 顧問 / 講師
- 商業模式創新
- 藍海策略顧問
- 職涯輔導
台大國企系畢業後於兩岸三地歷練上市企業行銷及業務工作, 後轉往外商科技公司負責工程研發及商務規劃。
深耕藍海策略多年, 致力於讓藍海策略深入淺出, 包括主持Podcast 藍海就在你身邊, 固定撰寫藍海策略相關文章, 應用藍海策略於職涯輔導, 讀書會引導, 時間管理工作坊…等等。
Ken Tsai graduated from National Taiwan University and majored in International Business. Ken started his career from Sales and Marketing area in China for Taiwanese Companies in first decade, then joined a global PC brand company in charge of product development and business planning in 2nd decade.
Ken also dedicates in Blue Ocean Strategy for many years. He turns blue ocean strategy into simple stories and concept people easy to understand. He also owns a podcast to introduce blue ocean strategy, writing many articles to share blue ocean strategy, and apply blue ocean in career developing coach, book club facilitation and time management workshop.
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